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The Range of REBI Services


REBI comes to you with a platform of customer friendly services methodology for happy and enjoyable real estate transaction closures that inspire your trust and peace of mind that has been rare till recent past.

The entire bundle of services is custom made as per each clients requirement also served with trust and transparency. REBI business model also works hand in hand with the builders, developers and promoters in the Industry. Each shop is teamed with well trained staff for carry out proven marketing tools and procedures to promote bulk and individual properties of any category. The shops being in a single network operates with unique understanding providing business opportunities to each other in serving every commercial client. Hence a visit or contact with a single shop means access to all shops across the network – exposure to national level property deals. The unique business proposition in the Real Estate Brokerage at REBI is that the buyer is charged 0% brokerage* for residential property acquiring. The seller will be charged 2%* of his proceeds. (*Conditions Apply.)

The Network of REBI Property Shops are known for efficent transaction closure systems that exceed customer expectations. Learn more about REBI's array of Real Estate Transaction from the following;


REBI Services for Property Buyers

REBI Services for Property Sellers 

REBI Services for Real Estate Developers  

FAQ about services  

Home Loans 



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